Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: February 15, 2024

Q: What does the Discord channel offer that's unique?
A: Premium benefits including giveaways, networking with experienced traders, and high-quality education at the palm of your hand

Q: Is this only for beginners?
A: Our community caters to individuals across a spectrum of expertise, embracing both novices and seasoned traders. Experienced traders gain value from engaging with fellow members, participating in our weekly live streams, access to a 24/7 supportive team, and benefiting from numerous additional resources.

Q: What is the real-time market updates and in-depth analysis?
A: Our traders have personalized channels where they provide LIVE insights on their trade ideas, market direction, and more!!

Q: What resources can I access as part of the Discord group?
A: As part of our Discord group, you'll access real-time market updates, weekly live streams, trade recaps, PnL excel sheets, and quality educational materials.

Q: “What brokerage/exchange do you use?”
A: Interactive Brokers for Stocks/Futures and Blofin for crypto


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